III Business, Science and Society Meeting

July 07
RegisterGeneral Information
The thematic “El encuentro: Empresa, ciencia y sociedad” is a chance to link enterprises, researchers and society that has permitted to the Los Lagos University center, since 2013, reflects its commitment toward the Altos Norte region. This event is taking place within the International Summer University framework 2015, it provides us the opportunity to know services, projects and different ways of social and enterprise linking.
The meeting, attended in 2013, allowed us to know the enterprises necessities of the region and give it support on this issues; in 2014, it promoted dialogue with the dairy industry to exchange the necessities, find solutions and eventually create cooperative projects that can benefit the three sectors (academic, business and social) of our region.
To create a meeting among the business and scientific sector to dialogue and exchange information allowing to setup cooperative projects that can be good for the population of our region.
Place and Date
Tutorships and Research Building, July 7th
Curricular Value
2 hours
Organizing Committee
Dr. Armando Zacarías Castillo
Mtra. Yolanda Navarro Flores
Ing. Karla Zulema González Márquez
Lic. Sara Leos
Mtra. María Teresa Solorio Núñez
Hora Evento Tema 10:30 11:00 Bienvenida e inauguración por parte del Rector del Centro. Dr. Armando Zacarías Castillo Inauguración 11:10 Video Empresarial CULAGOS Introducción al Centro Universitario de los Lagos 11:20 Conferencia Magistral Mtro. José Medina Mora Icaza 12:30 Foro de discusión 13:05 Expo-científica
17:00 “How can I link myself to the industry?”
Directed to students and graduates of CULagos
Tutorships Buidling of Los Lagos University Center
Presidente COPARMEX
Tema: pendiente
Guests: Human resources of business sector coordinators.