Cultural Program


Wednesday June, 18, 20:30 hours, Teatro José Rosas Moreno

Chamber Orchestra Higinio Ruvalcaba


This Orchestra has been form in 2007, with the objective of form musicians that receive the capacity and the experience to admit professional orchestras, realize didactic concerts with classic music and spread also Mexican music. It is one of a few semiprofessional and young orchestras that exist in Jalisco and in the country.

It was born in Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño and receives support from Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas. It is direct by the violinist and soloist Vladimir Milchetein (Ukraine) and Konstantin Ziombilov (Russia) whom count with extend experience in Europe countries, like México and Jalisco. Since 20 years ago they are teachers in the Music Department from CUUAD. This is form for more than 20 young musicians, some of them students or ex-students from the Music Department from CUAAD, whom the directors ask for the highest level of quality on his intonation, sound and rhythm.

Their repertoire includes different ages and styles, since early baroque until contemporary, emphasizing in Mexican and Jalisciences composers.

Wednesday June 25; 20:30 horas; Casa Universitaria de la Ciencia, el Arte y la Cultura

El espejo en el espejo (piano y flauta)


The Mexican flautist Miguel Angel Villanueva, will share stage with the pianist from Guadalajara Karla Flores, to present a concert in the they will  “reflect” their instruments through the selection of pieces created by composers of different periods. 
Villanueva and Flores played it for the first time this repertoire that they called “ El espejo en el espejo”. The flut and the piano are reflected, .

from “Spiegel im Spiegel”composition from the author Estonio Arvo Pär. In addition, the work of Pärt, resound creations of  Franz Benda Mozart, Philippe Gaubert y Otar Taktakishvilli.

Wednesday July 2 ; 20:30 horas; Casa Universitaria de la Ciencia, el Arte y la Cultura
Beso de tres (música y teatralidad)

This is a music show theatricality and improvisation where the public put drama to the creative pieces. When the presents arrive to the hall are gifted of paper and pencil where they can write an idea, phrase or topic, which will be deposited in a vase to be used for a recreational reason of the improviser’s actors.

Tuesday July 8 ; 18:00 horas; Casa Universitaria de la Ciencia, el Arte y la Cultura
Multidisciplinary Forum of Science Fiction


18:00 hours

Debate  " The gender of the science fictions and its relationships ". Participants: Vanessa García Leyva, Rogelio Vega, Héctor Juárez (CULagos)

19:30 hours

Vanessa García Leyva (CUCSH):"Science fiction retro: The case of Amado Nervo and Fray Antonio de Rivas"

20:30 hours

Rogelio Vega: "Allende el Rubicón: an Imposible walk  for science fiction"

Wednesday July 9; 18:00 hours; Casa Universitaria de la Ciencia, el Arte y la Cultura
Multidisciplinary Forum of Science Fiction


18:00 hours

Mesa de diálogo "Alternativas de la ciencia ficción". Participan: Azazel Herrejón (CULagos), "Watch Dogs: El juego, la advertencia" / Alejandro Montes Santamaría (Universidad de Guanajuato), "Del moderno Prometeo al ruin porn. Reflexiones sobre el nacimiento y el resurgimiento decadente de la ciencia ficción" / David Reyes (CULagos): "Ciencia ficción: más que efectos especiales, un examen de conciencia"

19:30 hours

Rafael Villegas (UAM-Azcapotzalco): "Fantasmagorías de lo visible y lo invisible. Ciencia, arte e imaginación"

20:30 hours

Presentación del libro Perpectivas sobre el desarrollo de las nanotecnologias en América Latina, del Dr. Edgar Zayago Lau



Wednesday July 16; 20:30 hours; Casa Universitaria de la Ciencia, el Arte y la Cultura
Más pequeños que el Guggenheim (teatro para adolescentes y adultos, comedia)

This is a play about friendship. It is a story about four friends unemployed that look for in the theatre a way to relieve his loneliness. To conclude their studies of theatre, Sunday and Gorka decide make an incursion in Europe.

Three months are enough to be back, stop doing theater and not to see each other for ten years. Now they are together and plan to do a play that gives them back the sense to their lives. To that task will be Al, cross-eye and orphan, and Jam, the cashier of a grocery store that he dreams to become an actor.

Tuesday July 22; 20:30 hours; Teatro José Rosas Moreno
Radaid (world music)

This is musical group from Guadalajara, Jalisco dedicated to the fusion of music from different cultures around the world including traditions from countries like: Arabia, India, Mexico, China, South America and the Balkans. Their music is a combination of

electronic and electroacoustic sounds.  Radaid means in Arabic-Egyptian “protect by sun”.



Multidisciplinary Forum of Science Fiction


Tuesday July 8

Wednesday July 9

18:00 - 19:30

Debate  " The gender of the science fictions and its relationships ". Participants: Vanessa García Leyva, Rogelio Vega, Héctor Juárez (CULagos)

Mesa de diálogo

"Alternativas de la ciencia ficción".

Participan: Azazel Herrejón (CULagos), "Watch Dogs: El juego, la advertencia" / Alejandro Montes Santamaría (Universidad de Guanajuato), "Del moderno Prometeo al ruin porn. Reflexiones sobre el nacimiento y el resurgimiento decadente de la ciencia ficción" / David Reyes (CULagos): "Ciencia ficción: más que efectos especiales, un examen de conciencia"

19:30 - 20:15

Vanessa García Leyva (CUCSH):

"Science fiction retro: The case of Amado Nervo and Fray Antonio de Rivas"

Rafael Villegas (UAM-Azcapotzalco):

"Fantasmagorías de lo visible y lo invisible. Ciencia, arte e imaginación"

20:30 - 21:15

Rogelio Vega:

"Allende el Rubicón: an Imposible walk  for science fiction"

Presentación del libro Perpectivas sobre el desarrollo de las nanotecnologias en América Latina, del Dr. Edgar Zayago Lau